Thursday, April 4, 2013

Med Alert: dropping again!

My neurologist called today and we decided to reduce my alternating day of prednisone to zero! (so: 30mg, 0mg, 30mg).

It's a big drop but my vision is normal 100% of the time. I barely need the Mestinon except 3or4 times a day, which is a big difference from taking every 3-4hours like clockwork. Feelin' pretty good! Back to work, playing rock shows, able to chase my child at the park. A bit amped from the steroids but pretty good all in all. So I'm dropping tomorrow.

Current Daily Meds:
6am-30mg Mestinon
8am-30mg Prednisone & 60mg Mestinon
12pm-60mg Mestinon
10pm-60mg Mestinon
*more Mestinon if I have a BOTTOM show

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