People tell me they can't go Paleo all at once. They say they'd fail. They need smaller steps. OK, baby steps.
Step 1: Ditch gluten first! It is glue in your belly! GLU-ten. Glue is not appetizing. Yuck!
Eat rice products as an alternative for a while: rice breads, pastas, pizza crust. Go a month or so.
Step 2: Trim rice intake to once a week. Go another month. You will feel better by now. You will be convinced your health, gut and joints feel better. So the next step is easy then because you are motivated by feeling better!
Step 3: Give yourself a month challenge - 30 days! Drop all grains (including those rice products) and legumes. While your at it ditch all the allergens: eggs, shellfish, nightshades, diary.
Don't you just want to know if/what foods are making you feel bad? It's just a month in your life. It's 30 days.
Just 30 days out of the 15,000-30,000 (God willing) days in your life. You can live without an Egg McMuffin sandwich (bread, egg, cheese, mystery meat) or equivalent naughtiness for 30days, right? If you don't feel better (and I bet you you will) you still have tens of thousands of days to eat pizza or other glutenous objecst (it's hard to call them food really).
OR you'll feel better, and you won't want to!
Step 4: If you're still not convinced at 30 days, go eat something! Pizza, cheese croissant, burger, cake, whatever your heart desires and then email me how you feel in 1-3 hours! And again, send note the next day! Tell me how your belly, joints and body feels.
Or just trust me and stop at step 3 and enjoy good joint, gut and general health!
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