Let thy belly heal! I've always enjoyed a healthful week of juice, going as long as 14days before. But now I'm angry, pissed and on a mission to heal my self. Inspired by Kris Carr and Joe Cross, I'm ready to join the long distance club. Not sure how long I'll go this tome, but I'd like to mark three weeks and see how I feel.
Day 1: Bit hungry, rumble tummy, headache at night. 10 weeks of double vision.
Day 2: Migraine till noon, bit hungry but ok
Day 3: Headache in AM, not hungry, right eye drifting up a bit.
Day 4: CT scan (so AM fast). I feel good. Initial juice fast headaches and food cravings are all gone. I'm in --with great energy.
After my CT today, I saw my GP, who checked my blood sugar levels. All great!
Been cleared by my neuro and GP to do an extended juice fast.
Will this reboot me? Dunno, but after eating super clean for one week and juice fast for 4 days, I've lost 7lbs of the 20 I gain from taking prednisone.
A step in the right direction.
As for my double vision---still double (10weeks and counting). Possibly a little worse today.
Day 5: Right eye starting to drift. Going to acupunture.
Day 6: Feel great physically, vision still doubled. Right eye drifting madly. Watermelon juice is so yum. It almost made me forget how angry & pissed off I am at my eyes. But then I tried to see something.
Day 8! Still double vision, but no droopy eye. Less frozen face. 13lbs bye-bye.
Day 9: ....meatballs at one of my events smelled good.
Day 10: The chefs presented new Eritrean & Indian menu items for events. I ate with my eyes and nose. The curry and stews looked colorful and smelled d-lish. No desire to undo the healing I've done.
Day 11: Had neuro follow up. My ct scan results are lost, I did face-off with the scale that told the beastly takes of gained prednisone pounds. I'm officially down 13pounds. Right eye still feels like I'm looking in a double mirror or through a marble, but this is an improvement.
Day 12: As an experiment, took 120mg mestinon at 5am. woke at 8am. eyes are very week, like legs would feel after running 1000 stairs, almost wobbly, (if eyes could wobble), my near-sight is 90% focused. I can count my toes. Far-sight is blurry, but more like I need major glasses.
Will see how I feel after mestinon wears off around noon.
(Somehow blogspot lost my log from day 12-30. Day 17 & 23 were the hardest. Day 17 everything smelled like ranch dressing. Everybody's lunch, the cafe near work, my assistant. My friend Raquel pointed out I must be craving salt, so I started up drink pink Himalayan sea salt "Soley". Worked like a charm.)
Day 31:
Feeling great!
Day 32:
Raspberries and juice for breakfast. Avocado and zucchini for lunch. My eyes are near perfect, little tired after a long day of computer-ing. I will continue to juice, but this juice Feasting/Fast is done!
Health Update:
I feel and look like me again.
25 prednisone pounds gone.
My vision is near perfect.
Bloodwork good.
CT scan shows that extra cells in thymus are gone.
MRI shows brain is stable, tiny spot of inflammation is gone.